Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Object Oriented Mideling through Unified Modeling Language Assignment

Object Oriented Mideling through Unified Modeling Language - Assignment Example The overall objective of preparing this document is to understand user requirement gathering, analysis and design process. The Library Management System would facilitate the employees and librarian in managing and organizing the books in a library through automated catalog system. The system is intended to develop in Java computer language and would be able to execute on UNIX and Windows Operating System having a modern graphical user interface. Keywords: Unified Modern Language (UML), Use Case Diagram, Class Diagram, Sequence Diagram, User Requirements, Object Oriented Modeling Class Diagram Description of Class Diagram In an object oriented application, the class diagram describes the basic structure of the system that is developed to represent the classes within a model having attributes or variables, operations or functions and relationships of one class with other classes (Martin, 2002). The class diagram of Library Management System has been given above, the entity or class nam e â€Å"Employee† illustrated with rectangle divided into three sections, the first section contains the name of the class i-e â€Å"Employee†, the second section contains the attributes or variables of the class, whereas, the third section contains the functions or methods of the class. ... The relationships between classes are represented by a straight line. For example, the relationship between the Borrower class, Library/Employee class and Customer class is determined by a straight line specifying that Borrower is the main class, whereas, Library/Employee and Customer are inherited classes of the Borrower class. Furthermore, same is the case with catalog, book and Magazine classes. This concept is also known as Generalization. Use Case Diagram Description of Use Case Diagram The above diagram shows the Use Case of Library Management System, developed as per requirement specification provided by our Professor. The Use Case Diagram is a methodology that classifies, simplifies and categorizes the users’ requirements by using functions’ (use cases) interaction with actors (Rouse, 2007). In the above diagram, there are two main types of actors are given; the first is â€Å"Employee† that will not only interact with the second actor â€Å"Borrowerâ₠¬  but also with other use cases. Basically, the actor â€Å"Borrower† can be classified into three actors known as Library, Employee (wanted to borrow book/magazine) and Customer as identified in the requirement specification document. In the above Use Case Diagram, I have identified in total fourteen (14) use cases from which ten (10) would be utilized by the Employee actor whereas the other four (4) are the functions of Borrower actor. The Borrower actor can interact with four use cases along with the other actor Employee, the four use cases includes the customer has to be registered member of Library through the employee of Library for borrowing book, returning book, and he has also right of

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